mu2 winch issues

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Posted by Justin in SJ [] on Monday, May 04, 2015 at 13:20:46 :

i am assembling my winch and I'm having trouble with the drum shaft not being able to spin freely. the worm shaft was installed correctly and the drum shaft and gear are installed.. I'm not sure what the problem is. i have loosened up the worm shaft bearing ends so it might make the worm gear spin more freely but the drum gear hardly will move..
i have 1 5/16'' from the side of the drum gear to the end of the drum shaft. just like it was before i took it apart. the other end of the drum shaft is pretty much flush with the drum shaft bracket end....

any suggestions?
is the drum gear supposed to be directly over the center of the worm gear.... that is how it is now...
by putting a spud wrench in the shear pin hole i can turn the worm gear but with a decent amount of resistance and the drum gear is hardly moving,,

thanks folks

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