Re: Second times the charm?

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Posted by Desoto61 [] on Tuesday, June 17, 2014 at 06:11:53 :

In Reply to: Re: Second times the charm? posted by gmharris [] on Monday, June 16, 2014 at 20:33:02 :

Everything I've read/seen says you measure the pressure with the gun open, which would make sense as the static flow and the open flow can be drastically different. I plumbed my system straight from the tank and use a regulator at each drop point so I can have different pressures at each spot. So I run the wall regulator at about 60 psi and then use the gun regulator to get to 25-30.

The 25-30 number is what all three of the guns I have recommend, and it seems to be similar in all of the videos I've watched.

Though even if you had a fancy gun, knowing the cap pressure is only helpful if you know when to adjust it off spec, and at that point it shouldn't matter if it's inlet or cap pressure, too much air is too much air (or the opposite).

Exactly, just having a dedicated spray area is really a huge benefit, asside from the benefits of a booth itself.

Oh well, at least I know what I'm up against now, and that was half the purpose of this.

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