I am a bit confused

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Posted by Clint Dixon [] on Saturday, August 20, 2011 at 11:54:11 :

In Reply to: 1947 Pwparts needed posted by bill [] on Saturday, August 20, 2011 at 11:34:53 :

You mentioned doing a restoration on your truck. Below is a link to Joe's listing of parts suppliers (in case you missed it in your search of this site). All are great resources to help supply you with quality new, NOS, and used parts to complete a restoration.

But it sounds like you are completing more of a custom rebuild. If this is the case, you might be on your own unless someone else chimes in who just happens to have gone down that road on the particular custom parts you are considering. Also, there are many companies who specialize in custom aftermarket parts and upgrades, but very few advertise here. Most prefer to concentrate on producing parts for Chevy and Ford trucks. Search out and try those sites, you might get lucky.

Don't take this as a negative comment on customized trucks. I like one just as much as another preferring to see anything brought back into service and avoiding the crusher. But, there is a difference between the two conditions and that will determine where you buy your parts.


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