Re: E7S1 question...

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Posted by Clint Dixon [] on Tuesday, May 31, 2011 at 17:26:11 :

In Reply to: Re: E7S1 question... posted by rick pacholski [] on Tuesday, May 31, 2011 at 13:50:01 :

Rick, thanks for the photos. They tell the story.

There are a few things that tip me off that this is not an E7F1 or E7S1 Power-Wagon carb.

1) The bracket that helps support the needle and seat is common to newer replacement carbs, not original Power-Wagon assemblies.

2) The choke butterfly shaft is too long on the noted end. Common to industrial carbs.

3) The boss is in the correct position for the Power-Wagon crankcase ventilation plumbing, but it is not drilled or tapped. Common to larger truck carbs and/or newer replacement carbs.

4) The throttle shaft flange that bolts to the governor casting takes only two bolts instead of four. Two bolts are common to ET1 and ET2 carbs.

5) There is a pipe plug on the governor casting angled towards the governor housing. This is common to an industrial application or to a larger truck that may have had a vacuum advance distributor.

6) It also appears that the throttle plate rotates in the wrong direction by the stop that clamps to the shaft. I did not mark this in the photo. Common to industrial carbs.

I would probably drill and tap the boss to accept the crankcase ventilation tube, if the carb operates correctly. The top you have off an ET4 will not fit this smaller float chambered carb.

Hope this helps.


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