has not 6pm come and gone in other parts

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Posted by clueless [] on Saturday, May 21, 2011 at 13:45:01 :

In Reply to: Re: No Apocalypse - now I gotta service my truck ... posted by Nick [] on Saturday, May 21, 2011 at 11:41:21 :

LOL lots of hot air out there, whether someone sets a match to her is anybodies guess

Interesting co in ci dences

HAARP has been fired up (just like before Japan 3/11)
- magnetosphere/ionosphere readings very unusual last 2 days
- US Army Corps of Engineers has been messing with levees in the Midwest
- NASA space shuttle is in space now (just like 9/11)
[link to www.youtube.com]
- Rahm Emanuel just took the oath of office in Chicago. Google his connections to Mossad/Irgun. Is the Windy City still a target?
- Osama bin Laden was just killed (again) and al-Qaeda still needs their promised nuclear revenge.
- FEMA's annual NLE is taking place in the Midwest, which is simulating a massive earthquake in the New Madrid Fault Zone
[link to bp-oil-spill-lawyer-mississippi.com]
- Netanyahu is in Washington, DC
- Obama just gave the major Mideast policy speech, requesting that Israel withdrawal to the 1967 borders.
- Harold Camping is "predicting" this major event tomorrow and the MSM is all over it. Why would they pay this any attention? And why are they targeting the Fundamental Christians?

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