Fat dohnought goes in first...

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Posted by ChrisCase [] on Sunday, April 10, 2011 at 22:09:58 :

In Reply to: Re: They are supposed to whoosh. posted by Doc Dave [] on Sunday, April 10, 2011 at 21:56:34 :

It's purpose is to seal the stamped aluminum residual check valve to the end of the bore. The purpose of the residual chaeck valve is to maintain about 2psi int he system. The purpose of the 2 psi is to keep the cups in the wheel cylinders flared out against their bores, to prevent air leaking in through the cups.

I guess if you habitually get a soft pedal and need to bleed air out, the d'oh-nut may be the problem.

Other doughnut problems can arise when the rebuilder didn't get the old one out, then installaed a new one too.

Too many doughnots can also get other problems, called Dunlap's syndrome. That is when your belly Dunlaps over your belt. ;^)

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