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Posted by clueless [] on Wednesday, December 08, 2010 at 23:06:10 :

Chris, not sure what your application is, if it is for glueing wood together it is an excellent adhesive as is the urethane gorilla glue.

If you want to use it as a clear coat to protect the wood my guess is it would work well. I have heard that some epoxies have issues with the sun and they due tend to yellow with time, something you would not notice on wood, but you do notice on clear(white) surfboards.

As a matter of fact the epoxy I use is called here epoxy de mesa(table resin) so it is specifically for wood table tops. I have made plenty of wood surfboards and fiberglassed them with epoxy resin and never had a problem, keep in mind though that the resin is laminated into the fiberglass over the bd. and therfore very very strong and unable to lift and crack because of the fiberglass lamination.

Personally I have never used it by itself as a clear coat and don't know if it would crack or lift over time.

My gut feeling is it would work well but I cannot gaurntee it, not having ever used it as such. If it were my truck I would probably use it. I have used it for table tops and bar top coatings indoors with no problems.

I recently made some custom wood surfboard racks for a surfshop and was going to use the normal thinner based nitro cellulose filler as filler and finish, however their were these new cans of an epoxy acrylic spray in the hardware store that I used with exceptional results, don't know if it is on the market in another form but this too would probably do the trick, and it drys in minutes vs the epoxy taking hours to dry.

Sorry for the essay but wanted to answer your question as best as I could

I have been doing a bit of woodwork for some folks lately

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