Re: Dodge 318 engine

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Posted by Paul on Tuesday, November 14, 2000 at 14:00:50:

In Reply to: Dodge 318 engine posted by Robert on Tuesday, November 14, 2000 at 03:47:43:

Depending on the year of your truck, and if it was U.S. or Canadian built, there were two sizes of 318. They are pretty much different engines and little will interchange. The "A" engine started out in 1956 as a 277 inch engine. It had the side ears for motor mounts instead of the earlier floating power mount in front. It was bored and stroked through the years to 301 then 318 inches. It was the top of the line engine in Plymouth in the 1957 Fury. It stayed about the saem until it was replaced in 1967 with the "LA" 318 in U.S. production. Canadian cars got the "LA" in 1968 although Chrysler didn't waste much and there are earlier engines in newer cars in '68 U.S. production.

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