6X6 Updated transfer case

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Posted by j. Vietti [] on Saturday, February 27, 2010 at 19:39:06 :

Hello all. My Cummins 4bt into a 6x6 project is starting to gain momentum again. I traded the aluminum bread truck body and frame to a friend in exchange for his building the motor mounts etc to mount the cummins in the 6X.

That was 3 years ago by my count only 2 by his!! Anyway, visiting with him today and kicking ideas around he suggested putting a 205 transfer case on the back of the chevy transmission on the cummins. Of course the 205 is stout but only has one drive screw out the back and the 6X6 needs two. He thinks he can modify the 205 so another drive screw comes out the back using the hole on the back of the transfer case that is behind the forward pointing drive screw. He is talented and might be able to pull it off. We are going to take apart the transfer case and look at the options.

What do you all think-is this possible?? I like the idea of one less drive shaft and a stronger, more modern transfer case.


Cheers, John in Wyoming

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