"Nut" at bottom of lever 'unscrewed'?

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Posted by Chriscase on Saturday, February 07, 2009 at 09:21:09 :

In Reply to: trans posted by Everett on Saturday, February 07, 2009 at 05:07:54 :

Peel up the boot, and look at the big hemishperical nut thing where the lever goes into the 'tower'. Some literally screw, others are a push-down-and-twist thing.

You'll need to pull the lever out, and poke it back into it's proper slot to make it work. In neutral, that would mean a series of three slots in the different shift rails. If it is in a gear now, it has to go into the one slot that isn't lined up with the other two.

Let us know if more help needed.

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