How 'bout you tell me WHY you disagree?

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Posted by David Sherman on Thursday, October 25, 2007 at 12:08:18 :

In Reply to: Geez........ posted by David on Thursday, October 25, 2007 at 04:33:36 :

You don't think the sea level was 200 feet lower when people first arrived in North America? You don't think the mean global temperature's been rising (unsteadily) for 10-20,000 years? You don't think we've burned up about half the accessible oil and coal? Sorry, but this information "originates from" hard science like geology and paleontology. It's not just an opinion somebody pulled out of their rear end. None of those facts is in serious dispute by the people who study such things, but if you have evidence that the glaciers only started melting and the sea levels only started rising 100 years ago, for example, I'd love to hear it.

Smart people can legitimately argue all day about how much effect the burning of fossil fuels is going to have on the future climate, but what I wrote about is what's happened in the past, which is pretty hard to dispute, it seems to me.

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