Re: Religious Question (OT)

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Posted by Kevin Mienke on Friday, September 14, 2007 at 10:19:03 :

In Reply to: Religious Question (OT) posted by richard bowman on Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 00:08:44 :

Like many people, I was raised in the church. Over the years I was exposed to the same type of hypocrisy that has been discussed in this thread and I eventually left the church, embittered and angry. It took many years and a humbling experience for me to realize that it was the CHURCH, and not God that had caused me to leave. There is no perfect church and there never will be. With that being said, I took it upon myself to actually read the Bible and educate myself. I no longer relied on preachers or parishoners to guide me or misguide me. It was then and never before, never in any church, that I came to believe. Today I have no doubt that God is real and Jesus is the savior.

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