Power Giant question.......

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Posted by Kevin in Rehoboth on Wednesday, December 06, 2006 at 8:25AM :

Simple question.....conflicting answers.....Where is the gas tank and filler located on a "true" 57 W100 Townwagon?....I believe its Eric site that mentions the tank and filler is located behind the back rear doors, it was moved there to accomedate the tranfer case, unlike the D100 Townie where it located just behind the drive side door. The confusion is that all the illustrations I've come across of the W100 in books and vintage ads shows the filler behind the drivers door. Actual pictures of W100' Townies on websites and in books that I've seen and the filler shows up in either location about 50/50. Could these driver door fill W100s actually have D100 bodies?.....If so wheres the tank?.... Or could I possibly have way to much time on my hands.......Thanks for any insight...Kevin (17degrees) in Rehoboth

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