Mid-Atlantic Dodge Power Wagon Rally

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Posted by Joe Cimoch on Tuesday, August 08, 2006 at 8:36PM :

Mid-Atlantic Dodge Power Wagon Rally
October 13 - 15, 2006 in Wild & Wonderful West Virginia, Chestnut Ridge Park, Morgantown/Bruceton Mills

All Dodge Four Wheel drive vehicles welcome. Truck Show, Swap Meet, Trail Rides, Prizes, etc. Friday Cookout; Saturday Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner; Sunday Buckwheat Pancake Breakfast, Picnic Lunch (meals $5, children under 12 half-price).
T-Shirts ($20 all sizes).
Raffle donations appreciated.
Send name, address, phone number, number attending, truck year/model, meals, T-shirt size(s) and payment by September 15th to: Dave Horvath, #2 Summit Overlook Drive, Morgantown, WV 26508.
Phone: (304) 826-0721 dad2nick1@yahoo.com

Rally Flyer http://photos.imageevent.com/powerwagon/extrastuff/wv_rally_flyer.pdf

Rally Registration Form http://photos.imageevent.com/powerwagon/extrastuff/wv_rally_reg.pdf

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