Re: yes....

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Posted by Mr.PG on Wednesday, February 15, 2006 at 12:35PM :

In Reply to: yes.... posted by ccsammy on Wednesday, February 15, 2006 at 9:05AM :

Yes my trailer has two 7k axles in it I have never had any problems, I've had 21K on the trailer 33000k total, I went to a truck stop just to check the only axle I was over on was my rear truck axle and just by a few hundred pounds. The way I look at it is you have two 7k axles and look at the sticker on your door jam mine says 7500 add that together what do you get 21500K so what the problems??? And I'm not talking that I was doing this just from one side of the county to the other I talking about cross counrty, I even had a Cop in Texas stop me one time saying I don't know how you can have two old trucks on that trailer and all kinds of parts with only a pair of single tandem's, well he made me follow him to a scale and quess what I was 500 lbs under, he made me reway cause he thought his scale was off but it was not. As far as FERDS go I can't stand them I would rather hook up a team of horses to my gooseneck and hall stuff that way then use a FERD, I think if I was the one putting on the VPW rally I would make it so FERDS were not even allowed at the fair grounds.

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