Lots of Progress this Weekend..

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Posted by Kevin in Rehoboth on Sunday, October 30, 2005 at 5:52PM :

Spent all weekend working on the PW...replaced both rear springs..why is it that the last bolt, or pin in this case is always a b*tch to get out! Took 4 hours, tried every technique I could find in the archives, used lots of PB Blaster, lots of heat, still would'nt budge..finally took a 2' prybar which just happened to have a 3/8 slot, threaded a bolt thru the prybar into the pin, wedged a cold chisel between the hanger and the bar and leveraged that sucker out. Oh, I forgot to mention the bed is still on the truck so this was accomplished by laying on my back and using my foot against the prybar......got the new springs installed and I'm gonna sleep good tonight.....Kevin

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