Re: Source of noise found..BEWARE!!!

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Posted by dave in Plano on Tuesday, July 12, 2005 at 12:32PM :

In Reply to: Source of noise found posted by Bob Thompson on Monday, July 11, 2005 at 10:56PM :

DOUBLE CHECK that source of the noise.

Why? well, drivetrain noises can and will resonate thru the entire drivetrain, making it appear as something is the "culprit", but may be some other unit along the way.

case in point:

I kept hearing more and more "ticking" noises in my tranny.

I kept thinking that I must have missed something during the rebuild of that tranny.

I know it looked fine...

It got worse and worse. I came VERY CLOSE to
dropping that tranny, despite the work I knew it would take. I put it off until I couldnt stand it any longer.

BUT... I thought about it, drove it a little bit more as time permitted, and just thought about it a little more.

Having had past experience with half ton 1941 vintage trucks, I knew the tranny was quite strong, so how could this be?

i also knew that the rear ends were rather weak, having ruined a few in my past.

So, my first step was to pull the rear diff cover (I know thats not possible on the PW's with welded cover)

Sure as God made little green apples, there it was, a disintegrating ring gear! Chipepd teeth were happening along the ring.

THis was not a rebuilt unit, but I cleaned and inspected and all looked great. I didnt abuse it or drive very far since finished the resto.

So, I assumed, nautrually, it just couldnt be the rear end, it looked so nice and clean.
But it was.

The chipped teeth were resonating thru the drivetrain making it sound as if the tranny was the problem.

I am so glad I checked here first before tearing that tranny down.

My point: Before you go thru all that trouble, drive it a bit more, listen closer, have a paseenger kind of help you listen, etc..

Think about what you already fixed, or rebuilt.

In other words, go thru the process of ilimination before killing yourself on working on something that might not need it!!

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