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Posted by Kevin in Ohio on Thursday, June 30, 2005 at 8:16AM :

Got some good news here in Ohio that effects some owners of later Power Wagons. Ohio has decided to drop the E check program. Basically a state tax of $19.50 on vehicles imposed every 2 years to see if the emissions are up to snuff. It had gotten worse here lately and the outcry was heard. Their latest was to automatically fail a vehicle if the check engine light was on EVEN if it passed the test! I'm glad to see they finally gave up on this.

We all lost one the other day with that supreme court ruling about eminent domain. There is NO WAY a local government should be able to seize your property under the heading "for the betterment of the community" just to build a strip mall or put up more houses. Hard to believe what our forefathers thought was a good idea has been twisted around so much.

Anyone else here that someone has allready filed in a court out west on a property that was situated on the oceanfront. I heard it was a huge estate and the developer wants to put up a hotel and take the property. The irony here..... It is supposedly owned by one of the supreme court justices who voted 5 to 4 to pass it. That is JUST what he deserves if it is true. Kevin

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