Eddie's RV

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Posted by dep on Tuesday, May 24, 2005 at 8:47PM :

In Reply to: O.K. You guys gotta see this '48 B1... (pic) posted by Jonas on Tuesday, May 24, 2005 at 5:51PM :

Eddie, inclined to blue leisure suits, white shoes and caps with flaps, is hillbilly burlesque, just a little bit of "Deliverance." He has even more trouble maneuvering through life than Clark does. "The metal plate in my head, I had to have it replaced 'cause every time Catherine {Miriam Flynn as his wife} turned on the microwave I'd {wet my pants} and forget who I was." He's gross as a belch in church, but there's something awfully touching about this hard-luck branch of the family tree.

Eddie and his family would be homeless but for their dilapidated RV parked in Clark's driveway.

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