I made my own, use a sheet of particle board

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Posted by chriscase on Monday, April 04, 2005 at 2:14PM :

In Reply to: Wiring Harness posted by Chris in Wa on Sunday, April 03, 2005 at 9:33PM :

I used a sheet of partical board and some nails, lay out the old one in a giant spiral, running it between nails, and pound a nail into each eyelet. Then simply lay a new wire over each old one, then come back and put eyelets on. Add reverse light switch, turn signal wires, fuse block,etc. I had one friend donate many spools of wire, another supplied me with an assortment of crimp-on, heat shrink, low melt solder terminals. Took me all day. 4 rolls of tape. Pulled the nails, used the board for another project. Basically free. Saved $75 per hour over the $600 full harness, for a Power Wagon.

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