My TownWagon lives...again finally.

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Posted by Ron in Indiana on Sunday, August 22, 2004 at 8:46PM :

To bring those who don't know up to speed I did a rebuild on my 64 TW poly 318 just before the VT rally. Couldn't get it to start, just pop a few times but never ran. After checking everything and hauling it to VT for ideas, and thanks to all who offered suggestions as well as help, still unable to get it running. So yesterday I got into tearing it down with the idea of cam timing being the only thing left to check. After finally getting the crankbolt out which had gaulded threads on the last 1/4" of threads, still haven't figured that on out, I found the problem. Somehow and I don't know how I had the cam off by 6 teeth. Call it a senior moment, unable to focus these bifocals or just a plain brain fart or what ever it all comes down to human error. Anyway we got it back together and it runs like they say in the truck commercial SWEEET! I can't believe how smoothe this engine runs compared to before. I'm going to put a few miles on , change oil and filter then really have fun. So to all those inquiring minds who wanted to know that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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