Re: 24Volt Alternator

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Posted by Paul Cook on Monday, December 22, 2003 at 12:13PM :

In Reply to: 24Volt Alternator posted by Charlie Smith on Monday, December 22, 2003 at 10:55AM :

I have equipped both an M-37 and an M-43 with single wire alternators.

Most competent auto-electric shops can convert the Delco 10S alternator to 24 volt. I live near Fort Hood, Texas, and one of the better local auto-electric shops is run by a knowledgeable retired Motor Sergeant. He is very supportive of military vehicle restoration efforts. He has built single wire alternators for my son and me in 6, 8, and 24 volt versions. He makes then "self-energizing" to support the single wire feature.

The most difficult part of the conversion is fabricating a replacement alternator mount. You can use the old generator mount by adding a small pipe collar as a spacer over a long bolt to mount the alternator. There are "universal" mounts available that are pricey and look like something from my childhood "Erector" set. I prefer to use a piece of lightweight wide angle iron fitted to the replace the generator mount on the engine block and then weld or bolt on "L" shaped tabs spaced to match the alternator mount. It's the neatest and sturdiest method.

You can use the original pulley from the 24v generator by placing it in a lathe chuck and cutting off the "snout" on the backside of the pulley. The large diameter of the old pulley is not an issue since the higher output of the alternator is equal to or greater than the generator's.

To wire in the single wire alternator, run a minimum 10-gauge wire direct to the ammeter and then to the battery post on the starter switch. If you have converted to a solenoid, run the wire from the ammeter to the battery post of the solenoid.

There are expensive conversion kits available, but this is all that is required.

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