Re: Fuel and AMP gauges

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Posted by Dallas Meek on February 11, 1997 at 23:57:52:

In Reply to: Fuel and AMP gauges posted by Tony Petrella on February 11, 1997 at 19:34:19:

: I recently purchased a 1954 Power Wagon and have many questions, but here are a couple. Both the amp and fuel gauges will not work, I see voltage (fuel) and current (amp) through each where do I find a new set or what I am I doing wrong ??

: Thanks

: Tony

Did you replace your wiring harness? The truck I
am working on had many of the electricals that did
not work properly initially. When I rewired it,
most of them worked again. I think that probably
there were bad connections and maybe dead shorts
from the old wires. Is this truck still 6 volt or
has it been converted to 12? Sometimes the con-
version process may not have been done correctly
or the ground may not be right. You might also
check the sending unit in the tank. These can be
worn out and need to be rebuilt or replaced, or if
the unit has been converted to 12 volt, there may
need to be a resistor installed to obtain an ac-
curate reading. If you don't have a wiring schematic
get ahold of one to see if the wires are connected
correctly. The guys at VPW can probably give you
some direction if your still not getting any results.
Good luck.


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